Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Racist? Are you kidding?!?!

How can people say it was a racial decision not to hire Turner Gill!?!?!?

What about Mississippi State, or Nebraska last year, or Clemson, or Tennessee or Syracuse?? Are they also racist, then, for not hiring Gill?  

What about Iowa State? Will they be considered racist if they don't hire Turner Gill?  

By the way, Byron Franklin is black and he is on Auburn University's board of trustees. I guess Auburn should remove him since he is black and Auburn is racist. Right??

What a load of crap. 

Gene Chizik was not my first choice either. But he's a hell of a coach and recruiter and anyone who does his or her research would know that. HE STARTED 11 TRUE FRESHMAN AT IOWA STATE LAST YEAR. Anyone who understands how rebuilding a program works and installing your system at a place where your ideas are foreign should see that it's not fair to judge Chizik on two years at Iowa State.  

Chizik's ideas are very similar with those of Tuberville, Gill's are not. Plus, nobody knows what happened in those interviews. Gill may have had completely different ideas for the Auburn program than most people would like to see (maybe he wanted to implement a spread offense, or believes offense wins games - not an Auburn belief). 

Since Tuberville was tired of being influenced by the administration, he left. Chizik, however, is not tired of it. So guess what, Chizik just may be the second coming of Tuberville.

Oh yeah, and Charles Barkley's mom is racist for not marrying a white man.

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