Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Candidates... Is Spurrier in the mix?

So here's the updated list of candidates:

  •  Tulsa's Todd Graham - interviewed
  •  Buffalo's Turner Gill - interviewed
  •  Ball State's Brady Hoke - interviewed
  •  Lousiana Tech's Derek Dooley - interviewed
  •  Georgia's Rodney Garner (Assistant coach, Recruiting specialist) - interviewed
  •  Miami's Patrick Nix (Offensive Coordinator, former Auburn quarterback) - interviewed

Then there's all the speculation. These are the names that are being thrown around as being interested or who Auburn may be interested in, as well as some who I think should be in consideration:

  •  Boise State's Chris Petersen (HC) - has a 23-3 record at Boise in only two years, but inherited a program that had two unbeaten seasons in the last five years. This may be a case of a team that needs to be in a stronger conference. But that's not to say Petersen isn't a great coach - it's just difficult to tell. He's definitely an offensive genius, much like Urban Meyer was at Utah.
  •  FSU's Jimbo Fisher (Offensive Coordinator) - has not interviewed, but curiously didn't deny interest when asked on five seperate occasions in one interview. Continually said he is "happy at FSU."
  •  Utah's Kyle Whittingham (HC)
  •  Utah's Gary Anderson (Asst. HC and Defensive Coordinator)
  •  TCU's Gary Patterson (HC) - five 10-win seasons in seven years...
  •  South Carolina's Steve Spurrier (HC) - may be a long shot, but I believe he has actually informally interviewed for the job (based on some inside information, hehehe). He would likely take the job if Auburn offered it, but would Auburn consider a 63-year-old coach who may be burnt out? Especially after Tubs was rumored to be burnt out.. I continue to say he may be the only guy Auburn could hire right now that could come in and garner excitement from the Auburn Nation after losing a guy like Tubs. HOWEVER, I think he would not be a good choice, since he will likely retire in the next ten years.
  •  Georgia Tech's Paul Johnson (HC) - may be a long shot. Would he leave Tech after only one year? doubtful. But he would probably jump at the chance in the future.
  • Ole Miss' Houston Nutt (HC) - definitely a long shot, especially after his recent contract extension and only one year at Ole Miss.
  • North Carolina's Butch Davis (HC) - may be a long shot. He is rumored to be very happy in Chapel Hill. He is also the big name Auburn people are looking for.
  •  Florida's Charlie Strong (Defensive Coordinator) - a defensive guy like this would likely satisfy Auburn fans. Plus, he is a great recruiter.
  •  Alabama's Kevin Steele (Asst. HC, Defensive Coordinator) - This would be a hell of a hire. Not only would it seriously piss off the Alabama folks, but he is a fantastic football coach and recruiter.
--- NOTE - The last three are my favorite. I like Turner Gill, too.

No longer in the mix:
  • Texas' Will Muschamp (Defensive Coordinator and HC-in-waiting) - I think this was just wishful thinking. He is easily one of the premier assistant coaches in the game and will be one hell of a head coach one day. But i don't think that day is very near. I am fairly certain he will not consider coaching at Auburn again until Jay Jacobs is no longer the athletics director. He and Jacobs could not get on the same page about his contract in the days before Muschamp left for Texas (sound familiar?? i.e. Tommy Tuberville??) Of course, I could be wrong.
  • Texas Tech's Mike Leach (HC) - I think he was never a serious candidate. Honestly, I think Jacobs leaked that name to the media in order to get the people's minds off of Tuberville. His name surfaced almost immediately and it was all just a smoke screen. 
Update: Florida's Dan Mullen (Offensive Coordinator) was hired today as Mississippi State's next Head Coach, so he is obviously out of the mix.

You'd like to think Auburn would go after a heavy hitter after dumping a coach the caliber of Tommy Tuberville. But who knows. 

I wouldn't be surprised if the name of the next Auburn head football coach hasn't even been mentioned yet. Auburn may even dip into the NFL ranks. But I'll say this, if it's not a big name, expect a HUGE reaction of disapproval from the Auburn faithful. The 70-person protest yesterday on the president's lawn will be nothing compared to the what we might see...

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