Friday, December 5, 2008

I'm convinced, "resigned" = "fired"

After three days of heavy consideration and research into the issue, I'm thoroughly convinced that Tommy Tuberville was forced into resignation, aka, fired. This is contrary to what has been coming out of the Auburn athletic department, of course.

Jay Jacobs has been telling a good story, but it just doesn't add up. I just don't believe that Tubs would do that to this program and to these players. 

To say that he's been thinking about this move for months has become increasingly absurd to me. I've watched several player interviews and they all seemed very surprised. His assistants also seem surprised. You would think that a guy who has been with his assistants for 10 and even 14 years for some, that he would have clued them in to this decision before-hand. They wouldn't have been out on recruiting trips when it happened and they probably wouldn't have waited until Friday to box up their stuff, like Paul Rhodes did.

Not to mention what I said in the previous post about the contract. It just doesn't make sense to me to give Tubs his buyout even though he resigned. That's what the damn buyout is for - to ensure that he doesn't resign or take another job. 

Tuberville has yet to speak on the issue and I think the writing is on the wall. He knows this and he knows that it's in the school's and his best interest to keep quiet about it. That's why Jacobs is doing all the talking. After all, that's what he is paid to do (as a puppet, that is). 

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