Friday, November 14, 2008

How to make this season "successful"

Well, if Auburn is to escape this season with any pride, there are a few things that must fall into place.

First, the Tigers really need to beat UGA tomorrow (see previous post). 

Second, Alabama needs to beat Mississippi State tomorrow.

Third, Auburn needs to beat Alabama Nov. 28, catapulting them into a decent bowl game.

These two wins, with one coming over NO. 1 ranked, undefeated Alabama, would indeed salvage this catastrophic season. Now, that said, defeating UGA is not the most important, it would simply be icing on the cake. Bama is the important game - the implications are huge.

Not only would it show that even a mediocre-at-best Auburn team can defeat a Bama team that hasn't lost a game -- it would be huge for recruiting in the state (Alabama already has the upper hand, and really always has, even when they were down for the last fifteen years) -- but it would also put the final touches on the scapegoat campaign Auburn has tried to put on Tony Franklin.

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